Leigh CE Primary School


Working collectively with all other schools within the Trust, we have developed our intended curriculum for each academic subject.

 ‘Raising aspirations so children can spread their wings and fly’ is at the heart of our curriculum. Our pupils are provided with a vibrant curriculum that equips them with the skills and understanding necessary to be responsible citizens in an ever-evolving world. We use the National Curriculum as a basis to develop exciting and stimulating lessons which promotes the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills.

Key Curriculum Intent:

Key curriculum implementation:

Subject specific pedagogy:
We recognise the importance of subjects as individual disciplines and that each subject has a set of pedagogical principles and explicitly teach subject lessons. For example, in Art we use the ‘content/form/process/mood’ model to evaluate the work of artists.

Teaching and learning pedagogy:
We employ a range of metacognitive approaches to ensure we utilise this evidenced based approach to ensuring high quality learning.


An emphasis on vocabulary acquisition:
All subjects have a vocabulary progression bank as we firmly believe “the more words you know the smarter you are”

Curriculum design
Each subject has a ‘Toolkit’ created by subject leaders across the MAT which contains the curriculum Intent, Implementation, and Impact statements for each subject.

 Knowledge organisers have also been developed for all subjects.

We use the National Curriculum as the starting point for our progression model. Each subject has a ‘Progression Overview’ which shows the progression for each subject from Nursery-Y6. Units taught may link to a CFL (Context for Learning). Where there is no ‘natural’ link, subjects are taught as a ‘standalone’ unit. They have formulated clear end goals for each subject for each year group charting the knowledge and skills we expect all children to know, say and do.

In addition to planned metacognition activities to review and retrieve, opportunities to support through the act of re-visitation are provided via our ‘spiral curriculum’ afternoons where pupils share their learning with other year groups. This supports principles of how children learn by providing pre-learning and revisiting opportunities and the retrieval of core knowledge baked into the curriculum.

Our curriculum design is under regular curriculum review which is shaped and moulded by external and internal change, the needs of our schools and pupils and the outcomes of our self-evaluation.


If you would like to know any further details about our curriculum, or see any further documentation, please get in touch with the school office to arrange this.